Yes, yes, we know... Everyone has been yelling, begging and nagging at us to update our site! It's sweet to know how many people live and breathe our stories, but come on guys - we're not celestial beings sitting in the clouds all day in front of a computer; we have a life! The fact is, we love writing, but there are so many more exciting things going on recently which steered our focus away.
Here's the lowdown on what has flown past us these couple of months...
Arrived in Singapore on the day of Daddy and Mummy's 30th wedding anniversary - we claim to be their most precious gifts! Attended the most beautiful wedding a few days after that. I tell you, this couple really worked some magic; just for them, John wore a suit for the first time in his life, and Pauline was in a pretty frock and wobbly dainty high-heels!
The vacation was great for us! Johno had loads of people to play with, while John and I got to go out on our first date in a very long time. 2 weeks of movies, dinners, shopping, fun and clubs without the baby! The best part was, the family seemed to enjoy babysitting so much that we didn't even feel the least bit guilty about it!

Left Singapore after Christmas breakfast with the family, travelled 23 hours to join John back in Hawaii for Christmas brunch. Praise God for different time zones!

John had to work that day, so we went on board his work place to spend the afternoon with him. I do not like the place one bit. Every corner seems like a tight trap and everywhere you turn, cold metal greets you. He sleeps on the middle shelf of what they aptly name the Coffin Rack - 3 narrow beds on top of each other, with a locker space under each mattress. No wonder John doesn't toss and turn much when he sleeps; he can't!
January 2007
Been busy searching for childcare for Johno while I start my job hunt. It's unbelievable how expensive putting a little baby to "school" is! Ranges from US$880-$1500. What if we have a couple of kids? Do many people even earn that kind of money? Plus, some of these places are nothing but a rotten building in an old and gloomy environment with "teachers" making the babies sleep most of the time so they can sit around and chat.
Johno is getting pretty in tune with his feet. In just 2 months, he has advanced from novice shuffler, to speed crawler,

to assisted cruiser,

to Ta-da! I-can-stand-for-2-seconds!
I guess 2 months really has been an incredibly long time...
1 comment:
Ya! I see some progress here! hehe Take care and hope you will come back fast! God bless
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