Monday, May 26, 2008

Welcome Gummy Bear!

Ryan Le'feng Wang
Praise God! The little prince is born.
16 May 2008
Weight: 3.1 kg; Length: 50.5 cm

The scheduled c-section birth was a smooth, pain-free one. Even though the doctor warned that the baby might decide to come earlier, but our little sweetie decided to wait for Daddy to fly in and Mummy to finish her exams before coming to meet us! Thank God for the perfect timing.

It was funny how the first thing people did when seeing Ryan was to look for dimples and count how many swirls he had in his hair (just coz big brother Johno has a dimple and 2 hair swirls)! Just for the record - little brother has 2 swirls but no dimple, though people tend to see imaginary dimples on him all the time with their obsessed minds! Haha!

With John being AB blood type and me O, apparently, our children will tend to be jaundiced due to the incompatible blood types. Poor Ryan spent most his first days under light-therapy and even had to be warded again for a few days after discharge due to a rebound in his jaundice condition. He's now back home and doing well.

He's such a sweet-natured baby who doesn't cry much and has the most adorably obedient look. And even though Johno adores him to bits and is very protective over him, we can so see him being a willing victim to feisty big brother's bullying in time to come.

For now, all is good, peaceful and blissful; and we are all enjoying the moment!

1 comment:

Hokulani said...

Baby Ryan is so are truly blessed!