Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Men are from Mars

It's pretty strange how grown men view things. They seem to completely lose sight of the beauty and wonder of the sweetest things in life as they pile up on testosterone.

Johnathan is very independent these days, shaking off our hands to tackle steps and explore new grounds on his own. We were on our way to the car one day when he decided to stop and smell the flowers growing outside our door. As I was sighing in appreciation to the endearing sight of my little boy taking an interest in nature, boom comes the deep voice behind me that shattered the lovely moment.

"Are you sure you wanna let him touch the grass? You know dogs pee on them, right?"

My husband, the testosterone well, just contributed to the Kodak moment with a perspective that has never crossed my mind. A nasty, far from pretty perspective, no doubt. But one so undeniably true and thought provoking.

If men are from Mars and women are from Venus, I'm sure Venus will be a much more pleasant and beautiful planet to live on!

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