Sure, the kids might find it cool looking horrid and getting treats for it, but do we really want to dress our sweet babies up like demonic creatures, celebrating God-knows-what-the-hell festival anyway? Well, if we choose not to look too much into it, I guess it has just become one huge, fun costume party.
Still, I refuse to be part of this nonsense.
Grace: Let's set a rule in our household that all Halloween costumes cannot be of ugly, evil creatures!
John: What else is there left for the baby to dress as in that case?
Grace: Well, he can always be something cute and innocent like a plump little pumpkin or a fluffy white angel...
John: Hey! No son of mine is gonna be a fruit or a fairy! He's gonna be macho!
Baby J (seemingly saying): Look at me! Look at me! I just picked up my prop!
With him being just a third of the size of that pitchfork, he simply looks too darn adorable for me to snatch that prop away from him. Hmm... Who says that has to be the devil's pitchfork anyway? With that prop, perhaps he can dress as a chubby barbecue chef holding his prized BBQ fork! Fire away!
baby j
i am surprised he can hold that long "BBQ stick"...
aint it heavy.
aka fake godpa.
weilson here!!
remember me?
congrats on your new home! and wow he certainly has grown a lot! =)
hope to see you soon! and i mean real soon! >.<
we all misses you back here. but looking at those pictures of your home, scenery, etc. makes many of us jealous here!!! ahh!! hahahas.
take care ms grace,
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