Arrival Date: 30 May 2006
Time Taken: 30 long hours!
Amount of Pain: Zero
Cute Factor: 100%
After being overdue for 3 days, we were admitted into the hospital on Monday morning for labour induction, but this tough cookie just refuses to come. Had an epidural on Tuesday morning and a stronger dose of induction, but dilation wasn't complete. Finally, a C-section was done to deliver the little prince.
Praise the Lord who knows best! Turns out he had his umbilical cord twined loosely round his neck. Things might have been complicated if not for the C-section. Thank God!
He's a charming dimpled little boy who has just the sweetest nature, loudest voice, and an up-sized "tool" his daddy is so proud of! Haha! This one is definitely gonna be a heart-breaker!
Hi ms wong! ur baby is sooooooo cuteeeeee!!!!
ur baby is sooo cute!! i think he has got eyes like you. hehe.
Serene here
ms wong..finally jellybean became johnathan!Welcome To Earth Johnathan woosa..congrats =) i'm jealous that he is cuter than me...lol kidding! babies are getting lesser dimples nowadays..hw many does he have? 1?2?3?4? anyways congrats =)..
Happy Belated Birthday To You,
Happy Belated Birthday To You,
Happy Belated Birthday To Jonathan,
Happy Belated Birthday To You!!!!
Hi Ms Wong.
Victor here. Congrats! Ur baby is sooooo cutee!! look like the grandpa. Hope Johnathan will make your life even better!
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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